“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever”. Psalm 52:8


Please keep on praying!

Dear friends,

Our precious Vitoria is stable - how I would like to say she is pretty well, but how important is to thank she is slowly overcoming huge challenges.

She had an urinary infection caused by a bacteria that began attacking her body and settled in the lungs, her body went into septic shock - she went to the ICU very serious, very, very close to death because due to shock her circulation was poor and doctors could not find a venous access for starting medication.

We lived days of extreme anxiety, panic and despair seeing her suffer, intubated, sedated and receiving many drugs. We prayed and prayed but it was impossible to have peace seeing her so bad, pale and prostrate.

The infection is already being controlled, and now her body is slowly returning to equilibrium. Her blood sugar was very decompensated, a consequence of generalized infection, and had to receive insuline. She needs to be aspirated because of pneumonia and was very agitated, so we asked that she could be kept sedated.

This morning the doctor on duty said again that her condition is extremely serious and there are still risks.
We know this very well and during all these days we have been in many tears and anxiety.

But now, on the third day of antibiotic she is much better, she is no longer sedated and is next to leave the respirator! The medications that are helping to pressure and circulation are also slowly being reduced. She is having a good answer to all treatment and now in afternoon the doctor said everything indicates next days will be much calmer and better for her.

The surgeon who put the central catheter also evaluated her today and said that she improved 500%!

Today she could take a bed bath with soap and water and was much quieter! What a relief to see her feeling better! We can only be at peace seeing that she is fine

We thank immensely all prayers and we keep on asking God the best for our precious beloved Vitoria.


  1. Praying.... So glad to read that Vitoria is stable. May she continue to thrive and heal from this ordeal to stay with her precious family here on earth. HUGS!!

  2. She is such a fighter! Praying...

  3. Hello. Victory is a beautiful girl. The brightness of God is in her life. Glad to know that it is stable, but I'll have more when the news that's fine. With the same faith as you and with the same thought. God's love and peace of Jesus Christ be with you. The owner of the miracle is always with you. Kisses!

  4. I tried to comment yesterday, but for some reason could not, there was some mistake. Glad you got today, because I needed to say that I am sympathetic to you. Victoria and God bless you too. The love of God is something we are not able to understand, just contemplate.

  5. Olha estarei orando por vocês e Deus a de ser com essa pequena mas grande lutadora:Vitoria!

  6. I have told many of my friends about your amazing little angel! We all prayer for her health to return
    Thank you for sharing your lives with us!!

  7. So glad that she is getting better. Saying lots of prayers! hugs!!

  8. Praying for your precious little girl.

  9. Precious Beautiful Little Princess.. Prayers For Her.... XoXo..

  10. Precious Beautiful Little Princess.. Praying for Her.. Kisses & Hugs...

  11. hoping things continue to go well for Vitoria .

  12. Por favor, nos dê notícias de Vitória!


  13. Hello, my name is serene, always follow your story, but I never commented on the blog, but this time I want you to know that I am close and continue to pray for vitoria, please keep us updated, a thousand kisses and many prayers for you
    sorry for my English just fine, but I'm Italian

  14. Thank you for wonderful news!!
    A message is sent for the first time.
    Love is put from the empty in Japan and it is praying for complete recovery of Vitoria.


Please let your comment here, or if you prefer, contact me through e-mail: joanaschmitz@yahoo.com.br
We thank all comments of encouragement and love.

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