We created this blog to tell the world about our beloved daughter Vitoria, who with acrania and anencephaly, lived with us for wonderful 9 months of pregnancy and exciting 2 ½ years of life outside the womb. May everyone know about her sweetness and tenderness. About her life, humanity and dignity. All the precious lessons learned with this little angel that God has sent us. It was a joy to have her with us. Vitoria still lives in our hearts and it will always be an honor to be her parents!
“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever”. Psalm 52:8
she is so cute :)
ReplyDeleteOh, Vitoria, you are so darling! I love it when your Momma shares these moments with us. You are so beautiful and so precious! you are a miracle! Thank you, Joana, for sharing your beloved angel with us!
A Vitória e sua família é a prova de que a vida é o que importa mais do que tudo.Temos que dar valor primordial a ela,que depois Deus guia na direção.Os nossos irmãos com necessidades especiais vieram nos ensinar muito disso.A vitória (e a Vitória também) é a luta, que independente do resultado imediato, Deus nos dará o que está reservado(que invariavelmente será a vitória e a felicidade plena, embora não saibamos ainda quando será,mas o importante é a confiança nEle).