Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast on you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.
Psalm 22:9-10
meu maior presente! |
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16
It is an immeasurable joy for us to spend another Mother's Day with the sweet presence of our little princess. She's fine, just had some bad days with the growth of canines - now she has almost all the teeth, missing only the second molars. We also just discovered a new urinary tract infection, this time being asymptomatic and treated early, at home, thank God.
All mothers know that there is not one particular day that counts, but all the special moments we spend with our children and also to know that they are doing well. Last Sunday I was remembering the unforgettable moments of pregnancy, the first ultrasounds to see our baby, the first kicks, the first moments as she was born and I could see her, touch her, kiss her ... those were the best mother's days I could have lived!
I never imagined I would live so many days with my princess, it was all a dream so far away, a desperate prayer. Being able to give her a bath, change a diaper, cherish her in my arms when she had a colic were simply sublime and unimaginable moments.
This Mother's Day also has many things to celebrate, because a few months ago our Vitoria fell ill and had to be hospitalized twice due to complications of urinary infection. Once again we saw God manifesting miracles and confirming that Vitoria is only alive because he really wants and has a wonderful plan for her life. Everything we can do for her is only because God has given us the privilege of caring for her, loving her, fighting with her and share her beautiful life path. So we are very grateful to him that this cute and sweet girl is here with us and now, also smiling and expressing her happiness and well-being for us!

Unfortunately every now and then some people who visit this blog superficially leave very offensive comments for me, from a deeply arrogant and ignorant point of view, accusing us of cruelty for having allowed our beloved daughter to be born and live as if we were forcing her to live and suffer. Vitoria is not a child suffering and does not need anyone's pity, but only needs the love of her family and respect of others.
Not only do I feel so sorry and mercy of these people who feel entitled to throw stones at us without any foundation, perhaps wanting to justify themselves of something, accusing us.
Cruelty would have been break her in pieces inside my uterus by fear and selfishness, or throw her violently from my womb when she was growing up safe and quiet, for considering her inconvenient for me, since she was so fragile and wasn't considered "normal" for society. Receiving this rare jewel in my life was the most wonderful decision of my life, because she has taught me the greatest lessons of life, courage, sweetness and determination, things I would never have learned if I had thought only in my own interests. Unfortunately not all people are prepared to understand and accept these differences, and it is very regrettable that these people lose valuable opportunities, keeping their lives immersed in mediocrity.
The fact is that Victoria has the same right to live that anyone else who is reading this blog, and we have the same responsibility to love her and protect her as any other parents have for their children. Vitoria has never been forced to live, she has always lived by herself showing that her condition was not incompatible with life, as many claim emphatically. Vitoria loves life, in every new second of her life she shows us that she wants to live and wants our support for this. She is deeply loved and is fully aware of how much she is loved. She can express when she is in pain or joy, and she has expressed great joy at each new step overcome. It has been a great challenge for us because we did not abandon her even for a second on her fight. But we never regret of having just respected her life and given her the opportunity to be born and to show by herself what were her limits. Yes, she has many limitations, but she can live and she will remain alive while her Creator desires, even if her life does not please some people who seem to have a God in their belly and assume the right to dictate who should live or not. Fortunately our princess is here very close to us and safe, away from these cruel people and only God will decide about her life.

I'd like to leave a big hug to all mothers, especially my mother who is so wonderful and dedicated, even I being an adult and living far away, she is still so lovely, she worries and takes care of me and Vitoria. And also to my mother in law whom I greatly admire, I am grateful and I carry with love in my heart.
And to all special moms, those who have their children physically present with them, or only in their hearts, but no less intensely present, that are worthy of being called MOTHERS forever. May God bless you!
I also greatly thank all the readers that leave messages of support and encouragement and to all who write to say they pray for Vitoria and thank for keeping this blog in English. I apologize because I can not always answer these messages, but all these kind words are kept in my heart. This blog is for you!
I want the whole bed for me! |
cute and chubby mom's girl! |
new hairstyle with long hair |
she wins our hearts more and more each day! |